Exclusive Online Classes
My courses are designed to solve problems in agility!
Curriculum packed courses hosted on Thinkific, a simple to navigate education platform that makes learning easy!
Current Classes with Lifetime Access:
~Handling for Motivation: Improve speed & enthusiasm for all ages
~Ring Stressed!: Decrease dog's stress to compete at its best.
~Mastering Course Memorization: Learn strategies that help you run clean. Don't get lost on course again!
~Ring Impulse Control: Dial in your high-drive, over-aroused partner for Peak Performance & clean runs.
~Smarty Puppy: For 8-20 weeks old, starting your puppy on the right paw.
~Wizard of Weaves: Easy weaving in no time.
~Stellar Start Lines: Create an amazing behavior to get a lead out for a successful run.
Click below to learn about each On-Demand Class